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Stephen Bollenbach, Disney's chief financial officer during the Ovitz Debacle, took the stand at The Hollywood Trial of the Century and described the former president's "odd" managerial style. Among Ovitz's more charming behaviors was gathering his executives and asking them whom they thought was the most important person in history (among the answers: Jesus and Eisner) and showily pulling aside CEO Michael Eisner to conspicuously whisper in his ear.

Bollenbach said he twice warned Eisner he should put a stop to it: "I said, 'Gee, you've got to stop that. You look like a fool with that going on.' "

Perhaps even more unsettling to Disney staffers was Ovitz's constant interruption of other executives in board meetings by hopping onto Eisner's lap and pretending that the CEO was speaking through him like a ventriloquist dummy, or his habit of plugging Eisner's ears with his fingers and humming "Some Day My Prince Will Come" until the room was again quiet.