Trade Round-Up: Dr. Phil Gets Three More Years To Destroy The Nuclear Family

· Dr. Phil extends his contract for three more years, allowing him to continue making the hard work of ruining America's families look effortless. [THR]
· Halle Berry is cast in Revolution Studios' psychological thriller At Least It's Not Fucking Catwoman Perfect Stranger. [Variety, sub. req'd.]
· CBS thinks they're protecting themselves from another incident by choosing Paul McCartney as this year's Super Bowl halftime entertainment, but we predict Super Sunday will be marred by Sir Paul "accidentally" showing us his Prince Albert in the middle of a Wings medley. [THR]
· Desperate Housewives shrugs off all the horrifying, damaging Monday Night Football publicity and continues to dominate the ratings. [Variety]
· Punk'd/Without a Paddle megastar Dax Shepard condescends to star with has-been Dustin Hoffman in Car Wars for Warner Bros. [THR]