One last daily dose of our favorite wannabe, Jonathan Cheban, who's absolutely nobody but publicly claims to be friends with famous people (and is thus worthy of our obsession), via a reader report:

Saw Cheban turn up at the Gotham party yesterday - piled out of suv with lizzie [grubman] et al. Lizzie walked straight up the red carpet for her pix - FLASH! - but when cheban tried to follow he was stopped, and told to go around the non-celeb side. Miffed, he walked off, but went back 10 seconds later - only to be rebuffed again. He walked off again - and then came back AGAIN to give it one more go on walking down the old RC. Still no joy. Third time unlucky, I guess he realized that despite his observer appearance he really isn't famous and walked round the side to wait for LG. i guess he must be happy to be so little-known, as in the observer he says he likes to hide behind his celebrity 'pals'.

Oh, and he's looking a little malnourished. Is Paris keeping him off the solids and on the blow?