Trade Round-Up: Evil Dead Resurrected

· Hollywood's remake fever has jumped to a higher plane of pointlessness: Sam Raimi looks to remake his own well-loved, perfectly good (and not that old) movie, Evil Dead, with a new director. Why, Raimi, why? Has all of that Spider-Man cash finally driven you insane? [Variety, sub. req'd.]
· Bryan Singer and Vin Diesel get together...for a new video game franchise, Secret Service. Get your mind out of the gutter before someone from a red state starts reading your e-mail! [THR]
· Ali G creator/troublemaker Sacha Baron Cohen looks to play British comic book detective/degenerate aristocrat Charlie Mortdecai for Warner Bros. Interesting...but this in no way gets him off the hook for Borat: The Motion Picture. [THR]
· · Broadway out of ideas: Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick to continue their evil domination of all things theater in a revival of The Odd Couple. [Variety]
· Jessica Simpson will star in chick-lit adaptation Room Service. Thank God someone is finally ready to really let her talent breath on a movie screen. [Variety]