Blue Water Grill, the popular Union Square restaurant favored by patrons willing to wait an hour just to be served mediocre seafood, seems to be having a bit of trouble. An account on the website Shameless Restaurants tells of a BR Restaurants (the company that owns Blue Water, Vento and Ruby Foo's, among others) owner (Stephen Hanson?) berating the staff for anonymous, negative comments made about working conditions:

"I don't owe you anything. You are working for ME. We are supposed to work as a family. This person who has posted his (her) comments is despicable and I would like to humiliate them the same way they have humiliated us. It is probably some measly cocktail waitress, a bad apple, and you have to seek this person out and get them OUT OF HERE!!! This person is a coward and wrote their posting anonymously. Well I hope that they come forward and I will fight them. [...] If you don't like it here, then GET OUT. It is not my job to make you happy. For all of you here today, find out who this is. Listen in on people's conversations and find out and GET THEM OUT."

Yes, just like family.
Staff Meeting [Shameless Restaurants]