Media Bubble: So, Like, What's The Big Deal With 'NY' Mag?
· Tom Scocca weighs in on New York magazine's redesign: "Editor Adam Moss has lovingly rebuilt the Cradle of New Journalism. Now can he find some new journalism to put into it?" [Observer]
· MSNBC host Keith Olbermann not fired, just vacationing. Oh. []
· Newsday's circulation figures are down, which means its probably not lying anymore. [Newsday]
· The Times refuses to clarify that late rapper ODB's name stood for Old Dirty Bastard. As if "bastard" is more offensive than some of the paper's usual content. [Page Six]
· J.M. Barrie (author of Peter Pan) biographer Andrew Birkin gets pissed at the Post's Jared Paul Stern for insinuating that Barrie was into young boys. [Lowdown (2nd item)]