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· The aftermath of Star Jones' wedding to Al Reynolds has her bickering with her View cohosts, who broke sacred wedding rules regarding cameras and dress slacks. [Page Six]
· Could Cameron Diaz's recent scuffle with photogs outside of LA's Chateau Marmont be the end of her relationship with pop star Justin Timberlake? [Lowdown (3rd item)]
· Nicole Kidman and illegitmate baby factory Steven Bing have been spotted "canoodling." [R&M]
· Law & Order: Criminal Intent star Vincent D'Onofrio is back in the hospital for liberal misery. [Page Six]
· Is scary David Gest, ex-husband of scary Liza Minelli, funding former driver M'Hammed Soumayah's lawsuit against the diva? [R&M (2nd item)]
· The Royals finally catch on to Kabbalah. Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York, was spotted having a meeting with Rabbi Berg, the cultish mastermind behind the movement. [Scoop]