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For the low, low price of (actually, we're not sure, because the auction has a hidden reserve price), you can spend a day hanging out with Real World/Surreal Life reality show "personality" Trishelle, who's selling the pleasure of her company on eBay. As if the opportunity to plumb the depths of Trishelle's opinions on the recent election or the Fallujah offensive weren't enough, the winner's prize includes a five-star hotel on the Strip, limo service, and lunch at Dolce. The words "hot tub" and "discreet" aren't mentioned anywhere in the listing, so bidders should be aware that she's merely peddling her dignity; a day basking in the reflected glory of the reality show starlet will likely end with a firm handshake and a subtle request for some pocket change or a sandwich. Hurry, the bidding ends in less than nine hours!