Sightings are sent in by readers; send yours to

In this edition: Bruce Willis, Russell Simmons, Sean Connery, Tom Brokaw, Josh Lucas, David Duchovny, J-Lo and Marc Anthony, Kelis, Robin Wright Penn, Hulk Hogan, Vincent Gallo, Ethan Hawke, Sarah Jessica Parker, Elizabeth Berkeley, Mario Cantone, Rocco DiSpirito, Claire Danes and Billy Crudup, Jon Stewart, Olsens, Whoopi Goldberg, Nick Stahl, Hillary Swank, Liam Neeson, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Ed Koch, Liv Tyler, Kyra Sedgwick, Heatherette, Tara Subkoff and Wes Anderson, Katie Holmes, Chris Carraba, David Bowie, David Byrne, Eric Clapton, Gabriel Byrne, Mac MacCaughan, Alex Michel, Martha Plimpton, Ryan McGinley and Harold Hunter, and requisite Apprentice stars.

I saw Bruce Willis gallantly leaping up from his seat at Select to defend the honor of a beautiful dark haired woman (seemed to be his date) sitting next to him who had been knocked over by a drunk guy. I thought Bruce was going to punch him, but he just demanded an apology and the guy was summarily kicked out. High drama. Though brief.

I saw Russell Simmons and unidentified gentleman eating at Curry in a Hurry on 29th and Lexington. They were sitting next to each other, facing the window, so I guess Russell wanted to be seen.

Saw Sean Connery today on Lexington and 59th, right by Bloomingdales and the new H&M. Very dirt under-the-fingernails handsome, HUGE, and dressed all in black, with a crazy coat that sort of billowed behind him like a cape. Kind of bad posture, but still causing several mini-orgasms amongst the crowd of Upper East Side ladies shopping.

This one had me laughing down the street. 7:30 PM Friday night while walking past Rockefeller Center on 50th, I spotted outgoing NBC anchor Tom Brokaw, looking much younger than we know him to be, probably waiting for his car. This in and of itself is not remarkable, but what cracked me up was him giving directions in his distinctive news-anchor voice, under a giant NBC awning, to two clueless tourist kids schlepping rolling duffel bags. They had no idea to whom they were talking.

Working at a hardware store in the West Village, we see a lot down to earth celebrities coming in to do their home maintentance. However none have been as earthly AND godlike as Mr Josh Lucas, who came in today to buy a padlock. I don't know what he needed it for, but looking at his attire (oversized army green ski jacket, woolly cap and an overstuffed nylon duffel under one arm), he seemed to be en route to an Alaskan hiking trip. The look actually did him well; he's quite a manly man.

I saw David Duchovny last night walking west on Greenwich Avenue off 7th Ave. South. Much better looking in person and quite tall!

I was at Da Silvano in the Village Friday night and in walked J-Lo and Marc Anthony. She is much more attractive in real life than she appears on tv or in pictures, oddly enough, and he is even less attractive than he appears. They were with 9 or 10 people, including her sister, and Marc Anthony kept leaving to smoke. They were drinking tons of champagne and ordered lots of food none of which he seemed to eat. They made sure to kiss frequently through the meal. No one really bothered them at all.

I saw Kelis at Craft last night with like 6 people. She looks her age in real life and is super cute, great skin, lovely little (meaning BIG) red afro ponytail. She's really cute. but looked as if pouting through dinner. (perhaps bc Nas was MIA)

my latest sighting was last week on Wednesday. i was at the bar at the soho grand hotel having a late drink with my friend. the bar was pretty empty so i couldn't help but notice when Robin Wright Penn walked in with a younger blond girl. they sat down at a table and ordered shots of Tequila. that was funny as i never throught of Mrs. Penn as a tequila kind of girl. they were hanging out till a man came up to the table to join them. She seemed very excited to see the guy and jumped up to hug him. when they sat down i saw that the man was Tim Roth. the three of them stayed for awhile and ordered a few drinks. i am not sure if it was work related or not but Robin looked beautiful in person. just like she did back in the day of "The Princess Bride."

In pseudo celebrity news, I recently ate dinner at Nobu next to Hulk Hogan and his daughter Brooke. Both were very large, tan, and blond. He was in full classic Hulk regalia...sleeveless tee shirt, bandanna thing. She looked like a model for either tanning beds or nail tips. They were there alone but were at a table for four...both were sitting on the same side of the table, facing the door.

saw vincent gallo this afternoon (11/11 3:something) at the astor place barnes and noble. reading at the magazine rack, messy hair, yoga mat slung over shoulder. almost didn't notice him but right as i was passing his chin caught my eye.

Saw (and heard) Ethan Hawke yesterday on Seventh Ave. @ W. 22nd St; he must have been popping some large wad of gum, by the noise of it. He had a doltish little girl with him: blond, lanky limbs — his daughter? Anyway, she was skipping and, caught in her own momentum, almost fell into the street when she tried to stop. It looked bad there for a sec, but at the last minute, the Hawke casually stuck his arm out to save her. Yeah parenting skills.

After work Friday night, I went to the Gap and who did I see but Ms. Gap herself, Sarah Jessica Parker. She was shopping up a storm grabbing nearly everything in sight (and why not, they're free for her). I followed her around the store hoping to make eye contact but she was in the zone. But I got close enough to see that she had a tiny silver something in the side of her nose. It was either a stud or a piece of nose residue/dirt. She ran into the dressing room before I could get another glimpse.

Saw elizabeth berkeley tonight (11/14) eating dinner at Ginos on Lex and 60th. She was with her husband (who introduced her to someone in the restaurant as his wife) and his family - clearly mom, dad, sister, brother and his wife and baby. They all look a lot alike, with those high cheekbones. They were sitting at the next table over and every time she talked I had Jessie throwbacks. They seemed very friendly with the waiters and owner....

I saw Mario Cantone walking down 9th Ave around 24th St. on Saturday afternoon (11/13). He had a black eye!

This morning on my way to work I saw Rocco DiSpirito on 42nd and Broadway, sitting shotgun in a black town car and peering out the window intently. (Aren't "celebrities" supposed to sit in the backseat, out of the vision of us common folk??) Anyhoots, he was wearing an orange fleece and had huge bags under his eyes, which perhaps contradicts gossip he had a massive face lift.

Saw Claire Danes and Billy Crudup walking arm in arm around 5pm Sunday on Mott St. There was some work being done on the sidewalk, so it was narrower than usual, and they did that annoying thing when people don't go single file; they stayed arm in arm and we all had to squeeze by. She looked like you'd expect, he looked shaggy and scruffy and bearded. By the time we figured out who it was, it was too late to yell "HOMEWRECKER!" at her.

Jon Stewart with his wife, pushing their baby stroller up 6th Ave. Sunday from our table inside French Roast.

Sunday 11/14, 3 p.m. saw MK and Ashley Olsen at Grey Dog eating (yes, eating) with three other youths. I noticed their Balenciaga bags first (light green for MK, white for Ashley) since their backs were to the door. I've never seen messier hair in my life than the auburn rat's nest MK was sporting. She was in a homeless chic outfit (white tank with white long sleeved lacy trimmed shirt over it, short loose grey pants and grey clogs, loads of gold bangles, huge turquoise bead necklace) and Ashley was in a camo cap, what appeared to be light 501s, and a white long sleeved shirt with skulls and pot leaves all over it. MK was eating egg whites, I didn't notice what Ashley was eating, but I can report that they really do have very lovely skin.

Sat across from Ashley Olsen at 3 a.m. at Florent on Friday night. Her eyes, limpid pools of blue, are fucking big as saucers. At least for 3 a.m

At the Pier 88 antiques show, Whoopi Goldberg brushed past me, perusing old knick-knacks. I hoped to see her fingering the many beautiful vintage clothes for sale, but it was not to be. She was clad—still—in her godawful signature homeless lady garb. Alas, she stuck to the knick-knacks.

saw nick stahl on my delta flight from lax to jfk on friday evening, sitting in coach with a skanky looking blonde girl. he looked fine. read people magazine, wearing jeans/hoodie and in major scruff mode. perhaps just finished filming second season of carnivale? anyway, i think i was the only person on the flight that recognized him.

Saturday 11/13, 4 p.m. saw Ethan Hawke, son, daughter, and possible nanny walking south on Park Avenue right in front of the W Union Square. They turned west on 17th. He was wearing a green trucker hat (what the what?) and a huge vaguely gangsta puffy black jacket with a furry hood. Super.

I saw Hillary Swank yesterday walking across Broadway at 18th street, she was wearing all black work out gear. She is always hanging around Union Square. Seeing her reminded me of being at Barnes and Noble. The cashier who was waiting on me was complaining about Hillary saying "she comes in here all the time and tries to return books with no receipt. When I told her that she can't get cash back w/o a receipt she threw a temper tantrum saying 'don't you know who i am?' " Ever since then i have lost some respect for her...

Liam Neeson at the bar at Cafe Luxembourg, sipping a glass of red wine with ice in it, engrossed in conversation with a 40something woman of indeterminable European origin.

I saw the disgustingly adorable Maggie Gyllenhaal on Friday night (11/12) at a jewelry launch party at Catbird, a new store in the WB. (That's Williamsburg, to you.) She shopped! She mingled! She sipped cheap wine from plastic cups! I think I'm in love.

On Saturday night, my husband and I spotted ex-mayor Ed Koch on line for the 8:20 showing of "The Big Red One" at Film Forum. He was taller than I expected, alone, and looking quite sour. A couple of yahoos in Yankee caps ahead of him chatted him up, but he didn't seem amused. Honestly, I would have felt sorry for him if he didn't campaign so heavily for Bush in Jewish communities during the election (he's a freaking democrat!). I was a bit surprised he would show his face in NYC after that, but I guess noone can resist the draw of a Lee Marvin movie.

At Dru Hill's on Greenwich I saw a VERY pregnant Liv Tyler rocking out to her husband Royston Langdon's band The Quick. She looked beautiful and rubbed her giant baby filled belly to the music. She was with a hip group of friends, and I know they were hip because they were allowed to smoke inside the club and blow smoke in Liv's pregnant face!

Monday, November 15th at 500 Pearl Street, reported with all the masses for Jury Duty .. Was minding my own business at first (reading an August issue of NY Magazine) but decided to check out the rather unattractive and angry crowd . In a row, right behind me, there she was Ms. Kyra Sedgwick herself . Dressed down, in jeans and a white, tight top with an ample v-neck to show off her ample bosom. She was clearly annoyed and exasperated, and just dying to escape. During the video section, which explains the process of serving (they didn t have this slick stuff back in 2000!!) she even let out a sarcastic laugh . I may have stared one too many times (just to confirm her identity), next thing I knew she moved from her seat . As soon as the hordes were beginning to be called in . the crowd thinned We were both still untouched by the clerk s jovial voice . I knew my chances were getting better . The clerk called out Kyra Bacon and there was a brief silence and then a sheepish here. Lo & behold, we were both ushered in, along with 30 other sleepy souls or so in to an actual courtroom... Anyway, I proceeded to sit right behind her on a bench . Kyra started fumbling through her NYT (??) I couldn t see what section exactly and then my name was called and guess what? I m on a jury. She, on the other hand, got away

This sighting was seriously too good to be true...Saw all the boys from Heatherette at the Dolly Parton concert at the Meadowlands. The first thing I saw when I walked in was Richie Rich squealing over the Dolly photo book he just bought. Saw them briefly sitting next to your typical middle aged overweight New Jersey Dolly Parton fan couple, and wished more than anything to hear that conversation.

Last night in front of Tisch on Broadway, I saw Wes Anderson, Tara Subkoff (so hot), and two old people who looked like someone's parents being mobbed by a huge pack of ravenous art school hipsters. Wes was wearing all corduroy, Wallabee's, and a look of terror upon his face. They were practically running to their gigantic chauffeured black Excursion.

I spotted katie holmes in Broadway this morning at 10. I first noticed the chanel bag and manolo s, then I realized it was her. Oh my god she really needs to learn how to walk!!!! Nice girl but very bad posture!

Saw Chris Carrabba ( aka Dashboard Confessional) hanging out upstairs at the Midtown/Hidden In Plain View show at Irving Plaza on Tuesday the 9th.. being so tiny I could fit him in the palm of my hand. Seriously, he must be about 5'.

Saw David Bowie at the sold-out Arcade Fire show at Bowery Ballroom. He was very giddy and eager for the show to start— came only for the Arcade Fire and left right before their encore. During the set, he tapped his toes and bobbed side to side. It was distractingly adorable. He had a moustache that my friend called "molester-y" but I found it rather attractive. My reasoning was— He's David Bowie, he could shave an image of himself into his stubble and he would still be immaculate. At one point someone in the crowd yelled out "Dedicate a song to David Bowie's moustache!", to which lead singer Win Butler replied "No." After this incident, Bowie looked sad and didn't tap his toes as much. Why are people such jerks? I can just picture him crying on Iman's shoulder.

David Byrne, Eric Clapton, and David Bowie were all at the Arcade Fire show last Thursday at Bowery... Bowie was also at the Interpol show Friday.

Walking home from the gym at Chelsea Piers last night (11/11) about 8:30pm, I spotted Gabriel Byrne standing on the corner of 22nd & 11th in front of that bar OPEN (which is ironically CLOSED most of the times I walk by...often). He looked quite someone was late to meet him, perhaps? As I walked by, he turned with a dramatic swoop of his long black coat and strode down 11th Ave.

Saw Mac MacCaughan (superchunk/ merge records/ indie rocker superstar). Rocking a bit of a fro. Also saw many, many audience members who liked music not at all as evidenced by loud loud talking during entire show (a lot of the talk seemed to center on whether or not david byrne was there). A fight almost broke out during the encore due to talking. Annoyed fellow: "Would you just shut up?" Annoying fellow: "No, I won't!" Annoyed fellow: "Well then why don't you just fuck off and go see Justin Timberlake." Annoying fellow: silent, tried to lunge, but just lurched drunkenly.

spotted alex michel, one of the bachelors, in the east villagev looking bloated, scruffy and walking funny... my boyfriend and i giggled.

I think God is trying to tell me something because I've now seen Martha Plimpton twice in one week! First on the Upper East Side going in to what I found out was the opening soiree for "Kinsey" (good-looking bouncer almost let me crash!) wearing jeans and a knit hat and hardly any makeup - I'm surprised my gorgeous new bouncer boyfriend let HER in. She was with some good-looking dark haired guy in a fleecey pullover thingy. Obviously not a fashion concious couple. Then again! Last night at my favorite neighborhood dog pound/restaurant, Fred's. This time without the hat. She was sharing a giant bowl of mollusks with a pretty brunette and the same handsome fleece pullover guy (!), who is obviously hilarious because he was making them both laugh waaaaaaaay too loud. She's way more adorable in person, I've decided. Even dare I say it stunning. Her hair was super short and super cute - if I see her again I'm going to consider her my own personal Goonie.

Wednesday afternoon I had to go to Beth Israel to get blood taken. While signing in, I notice two names: Ryan McGinley and Harold Hunter. When I turn, I spot a very handsome Ryan with yellow converse, listening to his i-pod, and playing with his blackberry. I have seen Ryan thousands of times before, but this time he was looking different; somber, concentrated. Harold must have had a needle in his arm somewhere, since he was nowhere to be found. Makes me wonder what they were getting blood taken for...

Two Boots Pizza, Rockefeller Center's Underground Maze: Apprentice 2 stars Raj (wearing his usual over-the-top, attention-starved prepster ensemble) chatting self-importantly on multiple phone calls and Maria, who is actually very stylish and just as pretty in person. Although I will say that a flame near her hair would result in a terrible accident. Apparently, she's the one person keeping Dep in business..... So, if their fame is 15 minutes and Raj has already been discarded is it fair to say he's on minute number 14:59? And, as an afterthought, should 'reality-tv stars' even be considered C-list or a whole other subset?

Stacie J (apprentice) shopping in the Burberry dept at Bloomies. I think she was with her sister.