· We love it when Times foodie Amanda Hesser talks about "tight orange flesh and sweet flavor." We don't even care what it's about, it just sounds hot. [NYT]
· The crazy old lady club is in full swing, as Post columnist Cindy Adams comes to Liza Minelli's defense. Yes, Cindy, there should be laws to protect violent, drunk celebrities. [Cindy Adams]
· If you thought sappy bestseller Tuesdays With Morrie was hilarious (we certainly did), you'll adore Tuesdays With Yasser. [YPR]
· Get your Tara Reid coffee mugs while they're hot, emblazoned with her quote to end all quotes, "I don't want to be the drunk girl." [A Socialite's Life]
· In the strangest marketing gimmick ever, Darth Vader and Heidi Klum can deliver your wake-up call. Weird-ass video included. [Target]