Trade Round-Up: Grazer And Howard To Ham-Handedly Exploit Tragedy

· NBC gains the upper hand in the network fight to exploit 9/11 in a miniseries, gets close to signing Brian Grazer and Ron Howard to executive produce the project. Look for the same kind of sophisticated treatment they brought to A Beautiful Mind, with the hijackers debating their evil mission with imaginary friends. [THR]
· Former ABC president Susan Lyne will take over Martha Stewart Omnimedia. She's charged with the task of trying to smuggle cameras and kitchen utensils in a variety of delicious cakes into jail to keep their brand viable. [THR]
· Schlockhouse Revolution Studios trips over a Philip K. Dick anthology on the way to the bathroom, then signs up Nicholas Cage to star in Next, an adaptation of the Dick story The Golden Man. [Variety, sub. req'd.]
· Craig Kilborn's big post-Late Late Show splash is in...The Shaggy Dog remake? Kilborn will play Tim Allen's (the dog/man) incredibly, inevitably smarmy neighbor. [THR]
· Apparently, people won't just watch just any shitty reality show, as My Big Fat Obnoxious Boss, The Rebel Billionaire, and The $25 Million Hoax all flopped this week. [Variety]