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Every morning, our favorite moment comes when we sit down at the computer, take that first sip of a Starbucks™ caramel macchiato, and hunt through our inbox for the retail-damaged musings of the DailyCandy crew. Today's DC was an especially edifying treat, where a "lexicon" feature introduced us to some cutting-edge vocab:

GHaG n. Acronym. Girl-Hating Girl. The one whose only friends are guys.

hobeau n. A less-than-hygienic boyfriend.

nontourage n. A group of undesirable sycophants.

Too cutting edge? Here's usage: So I'm flirting with the bartender at Concorde, trying to figure out where I can score some blow, when Bradford walks by with his nontourage. He totally blows me off to go chat with some skank-ass GHaG. But I didn't care, because by then I was lying on the floor with blood trickling out of my ear because I'd just suffered a cerebral hemorrhage from trying to use a bunch of non-existent words in a sentence.