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Isn't it strange how celebrities always get sued in threes? Following suits involving Burt Reynolds and Liza Minelli, Bill Maher completes the legal trifecta by being named in a palimony suit by ex-girlfriend Nancy "Coco Johnsen" Johnson.[Link NSFW!] Observe the sobering way that lawsuits narrate the melancholy fade of romance:

8. On or about January 2003, JOHNSEN was introduced to MAHER. This meeting lead to a relationship which lasted for a period of approximately seventeen months, during which period JOHNSEN fell in love with MAHER, and during which period MAHER professed to be in love with JOHNSEN...

41. Later in the evening after returning from MAHER'S house from the party descried in Paragraph 35 above, MAHER picked up a hammer, held it toward JOHNSEN'S head and indicated that he would strike her with it if she were to fail to be faithful to him.

Note to the famous: A relationship with someone whose stage/professional name is "Coco" is going to end badly. Note to models/Playboy Bunnies: Ditto for people named "Bill Maher."