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A reader grubs free stuff at the " Goes Hollywood for the Holidays" party last night and overhears an intriguing conversation about Har Mar Superstar's recently-shaved nether regions:

Attended some Film Screening party last night at the Roosevelt Hotel, poolside. It was pretty fancy and everything was free free free (drinks! books! shampoo! hard drives!).

The cute Hollywood pseudo-hipster eye candy was plentiful, but I caught Jon Lovitz shuffling around looking sort of confused and almost seemed as though he might have been a guest at the hotel and somehow wandered down the wrong corridor. Where the hell has that guy been, anyway? Har Mar Superstar was also in attendance (duh) and was overheard telling friends that he just shaved down there for the first time and was complaining about itchy pubes— nothing surprising there, the boy runs around in his underwear half the time.

Sure, but did the spy ever see Lovitz and Har Mar together? If not, then our theory that they're actually the same person remains undisrupted. God forbid Ron Jeremy should show up at the same event as those two, or we could be in for some kind of porn/pop/SNL dimensional rift.