Trade Round-Up: Brosnan Still Dapper

· Martin "Goldeneye" Campbell is in negotiations to direct the next Bond movie and—no pressure—save the franchise. But first MGM has to find a new Bond. We say truss up Connery and run him out there one more time. [THR]
· Meanwhile, Pierce Brosnan has moved on from dapper spy typecasting to dapper thief typecasting, preparing to do The Topkapi Affair, a sequel to The Thomas Crown Affair. [Variety, sub. req'd.]
· ABC, NBC, and CBS all claim Nielsen sweeps wins. ABC and NBC say they won the 18-49 contest, while CBS' octogenarian base boosted them to an overall victory. [THR]
· 20th Century Fox unveils a strange 24 spin-off for cell phone users. Look for vastly increased automotive fatalities for drivers stupidly trying to figure out what the fuck is going on in their mobile show. [Variety, sub. req'd.]
· Despite hott press coverage and a pricey promo campaign, Huff flops like a freshly-caught fish in the bottom of a boat. Chin up Showtime, it's not like you've already picked up a second season. Whoops! You already did? Don't worry, no one at HBO is laughing at you. [THR]