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In the LAT, NY Observer columnist/screenwriter Bruce Feirstein catalogues the "circular firing squad of recriminations" that followed the Democrats' Election Day apocalypse. Inevitably, the blame spirals down to Hollywood, swirling around the feet of a too-familiar face:

Cher blames Ashton Kutcher. Ashton Kutcher blames Leonardo DiCaprio. Leonardo DiCaprio blames Sharon Stone. Sharon Stone blames Tim Robbins. Tim Robbins blames Barbra Streisand. Barbra Streisand blames Whoopi Goldberg. Whoopi Goldberg blames Ben Affleck.

Ben Affleck blames P. Diddy. P. Diddy blames Ben Affleck. They both agree: It's all J. Lo's fault.

Affleck may try and toss the colicky baby of political failure at his ex-fiancée, but he's the one that will look guilty when she steps aside and casually watches it fall to the pavement. Just eat the baby, Ben. You know you want to.