The Projectionist: The Incredibles And Then Everyone Else

By the end of the year, all movies will be animated. Enjoy your freedom to see live actors while it lasts.
1. The Incredibles — $83 million
Disney and Pixar are coming to vacuum every last cent out of America's pockets this weekend, and when they no longer hear coins clinking around, they're going to force feed the kids Happy Meals until they're too fat to do anything but watch movies. It won't quite be a romp with Shrek 2's unstoppable ogre cock, but by Monday, parents will feel they've been gangbanged by five people in red spandex for 72 straight hours.
2. Ray — $15 million
If Jamie Foxx doesn't get an Oscar nomination for his channeling of Ray Charles, he's going to arrange for Stevie Wonder to "accidentally' fall down a flight of stairs, then try his luck with the Academy again in two years.
3. The Grudge — $12 million
With the behind-the-scenes action for the sequel already beginning, it won't be long before Sarah Michelle Gellar signs up for another Grudge go-around. Someone's got to pay the bills, and Freddie Prinze, Jr.'s new gig foaming up lattes isn't going to cut it.
4. Saw —$9 million
Hmmm...a maniac offs people who make the wrong moral choices...we suppose calling this Cheney probably wouldn't have boosted ticket sales.
5. Alfie — $8 million
It's been about fifteen minutes since Jude Law's opened a new movie. If you don't like this one, hold your breath and wait the two minutes until the next one comes along.