Trade Round-Up: More Grudges

· Proving the industry maxim that no number one film can go unsequelized, The Grudge 2 will become a reality. They've sign up the first pic's writer, Stephen Susco, to revisit the remake. [THR]
· Leonardo DiCaprio will produce/star in a thriller about mercenaries hired by governements to fight their wars. We imagine his preparation for the role will fall short of a quickie tour-of-duty "in the shit" of Falluja. Some people have no dedication to craft. [Variety, sub. req'd.]
· CBS does the utterly expected and picks up CSI: NY for 10 more episodes; Les Moonves seriously considers drafting Jerry Bruckheimer as his right-hand man in his plot to conquer the world. [Variety, sub. req'd.]
· Director Steven Soderbergh leads the charge against the excessive, ear-splitting decibels of movie theaters' "pre-show entertainment." They'd probably make more headway against in-theater noise pollution if they merely forced Michael Bay to retire. [THR]
· CBS dominates the Nielsens in the first night of November sweeps; The OC manages a decent opening despite Mischa Barton's ridiculous attempts to convey her character's inner struggle by shrieking like a wounded turkey. [THR]