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In the interest of helping the Hollywood community to heal in the wake of Tuesday's crushing disappointment, eighth president and posthumous blogger Martin Van Buren offers some tips for breaking the news to your favorite celebrity Democratic booster:

-Don’t wait. Although most celebrities could go weeks before hear about the non-fame related events, eventually a careless manservant might let it slip or they’ll slowly stop seeing the Kerry daughters in US Weekly. Tell them soon so the healing can start.

-Find a comforting location or activity to distract the celebrity. Buying them a sundae at The Viper Room or help them polish their jewelry.

-Vicodin. Trust me.

-It would really help out if you went and saw Surviving Christmas this weekend too. Ben’s been sulking enough as it is. Desperate times, desperate measures.

If the Vicodin lacks the necessary ameliorative effects, we suggest you consult our favorite physician, Dr. Oxycontin, for a more robust pharmacological solution.