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We're still confident that Ben Affleck is going to take the fall for the Democrats' election failures, but in the interest of fairness we're willing to present options for spreading the blame around. A reader wonders what might have happened in the decisive swing state if a certain actor had used his personal transportation options a little more generously:

Yesterday, at the 76 just around the corner from the Beverly Hills Rite Aid, I see this ridiculous, huge Bentley pulling out, and I couldn't help but wonder who would drive such an insane, impractical car. I mean, it looked like a hearse. Then I see the driver and say, "Oh! A mechanic is taking it for a spin." Upon closer inspection, it was a grubby Marky Mark [Ed. note—He goes by "Mark Wahlberg" now.]. Think of how many Ohio voters he could have driven to the polls in that baby!

And while we're pointing fingers at Bentley owners who should've done more for the cause, it looks like Paris Hilton didn't even bother to vote. Just think of what could have happened with voter turnout in Florida if Hilton had showed up at the polls with a mattress and a video camera?