Trade Round-Up: Father of the Pride Put Back In The Cage For Sweeps

· FX seems to be banking on a prolonged presence in Iraq, ordering on-the-front-lines war drama Over
There from Steven Bochco. [THR]
· Expensive NBC CGI disaster Father of the Pride is "temporarily" shelved for November sweeps, but the network promises unaired episodes "will be back" in December. Either that or Jeff Zucker will instead light two million dollars in cash on fire in front of NBC's offices in memory of each unseen show. Variety, sub. req'd.]
· Yeah yeah, Iraq quagmire, health care, the economy, blah friggin blah. The really important issue is how today's election will affect the amount of T and A and swearing we can see on TV in the next four years. [THR]
· Universal will open Renee Zellweger epidermal elasticity vehicle Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason on 500 screens a week before its Nov. 19th wide release date, hoping to offer chubby-chasing, Anglophile moviegoers an R-rated alternative to a spate of animated movies coming out around that time. [Variety, sub. req'd.]
· A sequel for horror flick Saw is already in the works. That kind of thing happens when your no-budget Sundance flick opens with $18 million in tickets. [THR]
· Paramount is looking to buy indie Newmarket Films, then immediately force the coopted studio to churn out cheap, ill-advised remakes of well-received independent films. [THR]