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Gay baseball player theatre piece Take Me Out began with debate about star Jeremy Sisto's foreskin, and as the final curtain closes on the production, a reader speculates that all of the cut-or-uncut hubbub might've been a clever way to distract from the real story: co-star Bryce Johnson's huge nuts.

Having caught the closing performance of Take Me Out last night, I am convinced that the Sisto foreskin debate was a carefully orchestrated wag-the-dog designed to deflect attention away from supporting player/former WB Popular twink Bryce Johnson's tremendous set of low-hanging balls. Johnson played the dim-witted catcher and needs to fire his publicist.

He alone, however, looked to be man enough to resist the urge for minor league fluffing that seemed to have gripped the rest of the cast, the consistency of whose semi-semis wrecked the curve of every locker room I've ever been in.

We're happy that we could play our small part in assuring that Johnson's stepchildren have not gone totally unminded.