Trade Round-Up: Unstoppable Housewives

· Just in time for the election, DreamWorks buys the pitch Motorcade, about an assault on a president's um, motorcade on a visit to L.A. [Variety, sub. req'd.]
· It's official: divorcees are the new, bickering sitcom gays: CBS backs another divorce sitcom, this one from Will & Grace writer Kari Lizer. [THR]
· ABC orders a full season of Wife Swap, which they call "the unsung hero" their fall schedule. Destroying the remnants of the nuclear family and damaging children on national television has rarely been so heroic! [Variety,
sub. req'd.]
· Not even Halloween can stop the Desperate Housewives Nielsen juggernaut, as the show pulls its best ratings to date. Who knows how many children were lost because their parents let them trick-or-treat unchaperoned while they watched ABC mock their suburban existence? [THR]
· Paramount continues its noble resistance to original ideas, signing Gerard Depardieu to join Queen Latifah and LL Cool J (say what?) in the recycled British comedy The Last Holiday. [THR]