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The Church of Scientology has come out kicking and screaming to stop Proposition 63, which would tax Californians making more than $1 million a year to pay for mental-health programs. It seems that combination of increasing taxes on Scientology's high-earning breadwinners and using that money to fund the "same psycho-pharma racket whose proliferation of mind-altering, violence-inducing drugs on our schoolchildren in recent decades has fueled the explosion of school violence fatalities" has put a bee in their brainwashing bonnet.

Just to make sure voters realized what's at stake, the Church's mass mailing on the issue includes a helpful picture of a Columbine victim and warns that Prop 63's passage might result in more school shootings. If the Church's pamphleteering doesn't persuade voters, John Travolta and Tom Cruise will canvass local schools to collect lunch money donations for the Scientology's "child protection fund" and attempt to institute a citywide Ritalin-for-bulletproof-vests exchange program.