The Projectionist: Halloween Is For Movie Lovers

Why not spend this weekend ignoring the din of trick-or-treaters' lilting voices, resist the impulse to tamper with their candy, and head out to the movies?
1. The Grudge — $24 million
The Grudge blew away expectations last weekend, and now the movie has the Halloween holiday to hold the public's interest a little longer. Sarah Michelle Gellar can sit back and watch her asking price go up, secure in the fact that she may never have to endure another weekend in a convention center with Buffy fanboys again.
2. Ray — $15 million
Oscar-bait alert: The Academy loves it when an actor handicaps himself for a role. Jamie Foxx fully embraced his craft, having director Taylor Hackford poke him in the eyes and inject him with heroin before every take. America will be impressed just enough to keep him in second place.
3. Saw — $11 million
Lions Gate hopes there are enough people in the "The Grudge is for pussies" camp to push the weekend's other horror flick into double digits.
4. Shark Tale —$9 million
Now that DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg is rolling in IPO money, he's planning on having real sharks devour one of his assistants on TV to drum up some late publicity, then quietly settling out of court with the victim's family. Everyone wins.
5. Shall We Dance? — $6 million
Shall America care? No, they shan't.