Trade Round-Up: Networks Race To Exploit 9-11

· NBC and ABC race to be the first to exploit 9/11 for shoddy, ratings-boosting miniseries. The early lead goes to NBC for invoking 80s nuclear holocaust series The Day After in its concept description. Sounds classy and sensitive to national suffering already! [THR]
· Revolution Studios, fearless promoter of mind-rotting cinema, will produce the romantic comedy Made in Italy, in which an American has to win over the crazy, ethnic-stereotyped family of her boyfriend. Not since My Big Fat Greek Wedding has a Mediterranean people had such an exciting opportunity to be portrayed as backwards and annoying by Hollywood. [THR]
· King of the Hill/Simpsons writer Rich Appel mines his own unhappy marital history for laughs, getting a pilot commitment from CBS for a divorce sitcom. Appel also gets in the quote of the day: "I would love to do a show that does for divorced America what Will & Grace did for gay America." We wish him good luck in his quest to make everyone think divorcees are incredibly tiresome and petty eunuchs. [Variety, sub. req'd.]
· Hey, kids, more Revolution Studios news! At least this time they're only expending their crap capital on a remake of the John Carpenter horror flick The Fog. They wouldn't want to throw away too much money on original crap. [THR]
· Fox's Nielsen master plan is falling into place, as they ride big World Series clinching game numbers into the rollout of their fall season. Also, LAX continues to bomb, but now in a fresh timeslot. They should really bring in Heather Locklear to save that show. [Variety, sub. req'd.]