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Celebrity Justice has a video from actor Rip Torn's DUI stop in January, footage that further proves our new theory that actors become infinitely more entertaining once they cross into their 70s. Is there anything funnier than a soused thespian bickering with cops while struggling to maintain his balance? We say: No, there is not. Observe the following exchange that took place when the police asked Torn to submit to a sobriety test, complete with the kind of rat-a-tat banter that wouldn't have been out of place on The Larry Sanders Show:

Officer: "Your refusal to submit to a test…"

Torn: "I won't say anything until you take these cuffs off."

Officer: "Or portion thereof…"

Torn: "I will not say anything until you take these cuffs off."

Officer: "Can be introduced as evidence against you."

Torn: "I will not say anything until you take these cuffs off… I have witnesses to what I drank, one and a half drinks, okay? Go to hell you guys. Take these cuffs off."

UPDATE: Torn acquitted!