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A writer for the NY Post penetrates the defenses of the Kabbalah Centre mothership on the edge of Beverly Hills and enrolls in two courses to see what all the red string, immortality-graning fuss is about. And, amazingly, after her short course of study and $445 in fees, she still finds herself unable to see into the future, cure her friends' cancer, and develops no appreciable psychic abilities. The experience wasn't a total disaster; she does see Britney Spears' brother and learns the power of giving until it hurts.

And then [Rabbi Yardeni] mentioned money. He said, "Money for the purpose of you alone is selfish, it is meant to be shared. "Give whatever makes you feel uncomfortable, break that barrier. If you are uncomfortable giving money away, give more."

She also describes an introductory whiteboard diagram that Rabbi Yardeni uses to illustrate basic Kabbalah principles, which we've happily re-created for your enlightenment. Who needs to pay for a course? Click on the image above to get your first, free lesson in the way of the light.