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This morning, Tara Reid's publicist opened her e-mail expecting to see happy news about the must-have spa treatment or today's hottest shoe sale. Instead, her Daily Candy taunts her with this, and her latte probably wound up tossed against the nearest assistant:

The Hiltons have left the building. Nicole Ritchie just drove off. Even Tara Reid is on her way home (though with whom, we can't rightly say). It's official: In addition to holding the distinction for cheesiest party ever, this shindig is beyond over.

That's right, even Daily Candy is taking shots at Tara Reid to sell some ridiculous knick-knack. That publicist had better go into immediate damage-control mode before this sales tactic spreads, and Captain Morgan's splashes Reid's face on a billboard on Hollywood Boulevard with the caption, "Take her home tonight. Guaranteed."