Trade Round-Up: Jamie Foxx Stays Hott

· Sony Pictures and Original Films buy the rights to as-yet unreleased spy novel The Executioner's Game for a Jamie Foxx vehicle. Looks like Foxx is done taking a shot at an Oscar for a while. [THR]
· Last night's endless Yankees-Red Sox game does huge ratings numbers for Fox, crushing Monday Night Football. Fox programming executives are feverishly working to schedule 6 hour baseball games three times a week throughout the year. [THR]
· Aisha Tyler signs a talent deal with CBS, who now must figure out what to do with her. Otherwise, she'll just wind up in a cryogenic tomb in Les Moonves' office with the rest of his "collected talent." [THR]
· Disney hires publicists and lobbyists to protect embattled CEO Michael Eisner from further eroding his image by "saying things," "doing things," or "making decisions," and to combat the Weinsteins as they fight over Miramax's future. [Variety, sub. req'd.]
· Revolutions Studios makes a pre-emptive bid for the screenplay All You Need Is Love, a love story set to Beatles songs. The filmmakers are already entering (probably futile, definitely expensive) negotiations to get re-recording rights to the songs. [THR]