Monday Morning Box Office: Katzenberg Cannot Be Stopped

Another weekend, another Monday morning of crushing disappointment. Also, people keep paying to see Shark Tale.
1. Shark Tale — $22.1 million
With Shark Tale finishing Number One for the third straight weekend, DreamWorks Animation czar Jeffrey Katzenberg is getting a little bolder. Once the weekend box office estimates arrived, Katzenberg immediately went to Disney CEO Michael Eisner's office, urinated in all the corners, pleasured himself in Eisner's desk chair, and left behind Polaroids of the ritualistic territory-marking.
2. Friday Night Lights — $13.1 million
FNL is doing a very nice, second-place business, and without the benefit of major stars voicing broad, CGI caricatures of themselves in a Finding Nemo knockoff. Bravo.
3. Team America: World Police — $12.3 million
What's wrong with Paramount? We suspect that their marketing department is impishly placing "Go See The Sharks!" subliminal messages in their movie promotions. Maybe too much has been made about what we can't see in the R-rated version of the movie, and people are waiting for the puppet bukkake outtakes on the DVD.
4. Shall We Dance? — $11.6 million
Should we care? No, of course not. There was a time when we were excited to see Jennifer Lopez in a movie, but that began and ended with Out of Sight.
5. Ladder 49 —$8.6 million
So...what's up with all this rain?