The Projectionist: The Triumph Of Puppet Sex And Violence

We weren't kidding when we told you not bet your homes or jobs on our box office projections, but we think there are at least two Paramount execs who are now looking for work because we backed Sky Captain.
1. Team America: World Police — $26 million
There's some strong buzz building, so audiences will probably overcome their disappointment that puppet golden showers and marionette cunnilingus had to be sacrificed for an R rating.
2. Shark Tale — $18 million
What will tiny DreamWorks Animation frontman Jeffrey Katzenberg do to celebrate his shark movie passing the $100 million mark? Eh, he'll probably go play golf or something. OK, OK...drunk on his power, he'll beat a caddie with a five-iron just to watch him cry.
3. Friday Night Lights — $12 million
Like most of America, we think we've had vague intentions to see this one, but just haven't gotten around to it yet.
4. Shall We Dance? — $10 million
Who doesn't want to see Richard Gere dancing with Jennifer Lopez? Oh, that's right, everyone. Hey, remember when J-Lo was popular? When was that, like, in the 50s, right? Are we done with wiseass questions yet? You bet.
5. Ladder 49 —$7 million
Fuck it, we're really tired of talking about Travolta. Instead, we'll sit around trying to figure out why Jimmy Fallon chose Taxi as his first big film.