Trade Round Up: Zucker and Levitan Kiss And Make Up

· Lisa Kudrow's Is or Isn't Entertainment gets two more years at Warner Bros TV. One day, all the Friends will be moguls! OK, maybe not David Schwimmer. [THR]
· 8-to-12-year-old girls abandon former idol Hilary Duff and her Fame knockoff Raise Your Voice, perplexing marketers. Maybe it's time to target a new demo, hire a Lindsay Lohan lookalike to jello-wrestle with Duff in a commercial, then watch their box office soar. [THR]
· Just Shoot Me creator Steve Levitan and tarnished NBC golden-boy Jeff Zucker kiss and make up, as NBC picks up Levitan's pilot about an "egocentric African-American football star." It's just so sweet when a blood-feud ends in a shower of hugs and contracts![Variety, sub req'd.]
· Kristin Davis is in negotiations to star opposite Tim Allen in the remake of The Shaggy Dog. We know we go through this every time a SATC gal makes good, but is she the slutty one or the gay one? [THR]
· New Line, the studio built on the backs of hard-working Hobbits, tries to stay atop the fantasy game by acquiring the rights to bestseller Jonathan Strange and Mr.Norrell. [Variety, sub. req'd.]