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On Friday, an L.A. jury cleared a dermatologist and a pharmaceutical company of responsibility for an illness that Irena Medavoy (the wife of former TriStar chairman/current Phoenix Pictures head Mike Medavoy) suffered from a Botox injection. Our legal background is admittedly thin, but the jury probably found that injuries suffered from cosmetic operations are assumed "occupational hazards" for the wives of Hollywood moguls. Whew. It's a good thing the jury had the foresight to preserve the system. If they ruled for Medavoy and spooked the locals into thinking that injecting muscle-paralyzing toxins mere inches from the brain is anything less than 100 percent safe, we could have seen panicking actresses, trophy wives, and Garry Shandling age 20 years overnight after knee-jerk cancellations of Botox parties. But no worries, the court said to keep on paralyzin'!