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Because the celebrity-related fun on eBay never ends, we bring your attention to a disturbing online auction of "Alicia Silverstone life masks" sure to catch the eye of the world's Miss Match and Batman and Robin fans. In case you can't imagine what you'd use such a latex mask for, the seller helpfully offers suggestions such as "making your sales of your clothing line, sunglasses, etc," as the item is "thin enough for yourself or retail mannequin display to wear." Even after we throw out all of the horrifying, Silence of the Lambs-style permutations that spring to mind involving the mask/mannequin combo and stick to the retail-related uses, it still doesn't seem like that great a value. For the $45 or so bucks the mask costs, one could probably get Alicia Silverstone to stand around in a store window and look reasonably lifeless.

UPDATE: By popular demand, build your own army of life-masked Hollywood sex dolls.

In another eBay update: The Britney Spears wedding night panty/bra set has been taken down after reaching a whopping $14,500.