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As you've exited your preferred house of worship, have you ever thought that you'd like God to finally send the Big One to Los Angeles and dump the human crumbs that we call celebrities off the world's dinner plate? Well, that's not very charitable of you. Perhaps if you picked up a copy of a What Hollywood Believes, Mr. Bible-Thumper, you wouldn't consider Tinseltown so spiritually corrupt.

This book takes you into the realm of the personal spiritual beliefs of many of Hollywood's most admired stars. In its pages you will discover who said:

• "[God is] probably just a shaft of light in a doorway or something like that..." • "Cover your bets, boys, because if, in fact, there is an afterlife, then you want to be on the winning team." • "Religion is another form of bondage which man invents to get himself to God. But that's why Christ came."

And here we thought this book wasn't going to be a hard-hitting examination of faith and faithlessness in the entertainment industry. That last quote is going to make bulletin board material for the nice Jewish gentlemen who control Hollywood when the Gay Mafia is vacationing in St. Bart's. We can't wait to read it! We're anxious to see if John Travolta fully opened himself up to the author's ecumenical mission and treated him to a private tour of the Scientology Celebrity Centre's executive dining room, where the world's finest chefs serve only the most tender Guatemalan babies.