Trade Round-Up: More Trump Coming

· Yes, we realize this is incredibly boring, but bear with us: International TV market free-for-all MIPCOM is off to a strong, busy start in Cannes with is a "more glamorous and ritzy atmosphere" than previous years. The trades have yet to report if Hollywood execs find the Euro to be a more pleasing a bathroom-tissue substitute than the old French currency, which really produced some undesirable chafing issues. [THR]
· Donald Trump is in negotiations with NBC for scripted drama set in the Trump Towers. It's official: The Donald has officially branded tiny NBC head Jeff Zucker "Trump's Bitch." [THR]
· Troy writer David Benioff will tend to Hugh Jackman's mutton chops in Fox's X-Men spin off, Wolverine. Now Fox needs to keep Jackman off Broadway (and Matt Damon's lap) before he loses all action-star credibility. [Variety, sub. req'd.]
· In Bob Weinstein's most recent attempt to acquire the entire Asian film industry's output at pennies on the dollar, Dimension acquires rights to Korean horror film Ryeong (The Ghost). [THR]
· Head FCC snake-oil pitchman Michael Powell was interviewed at halftime of last night's Monday Night Football to sell digital TV to viewers. We hear you could hardly see Sony's hand up Powell's ass, making him tell consumers it's time to spend for an expensive, new TV. [THR]