Monday Morning Box Office: Finding Nemo II Shark Tale Comes Out On Top

We lovingly present the numbers from your weekend of CGI shark consumption:
1. Shark Tale — $49 million
Overjoyed that his latest movie opened to blockbuster numbers, tiny DreamWorks Animation head cheerleader Jeffrey Katzenberg had former boss Michael Eisner's office flooded and filled with sharks. In retaliation, Eisner weakly left a Finding Nemo DVD on the hood of Katzenberg's Lexus. This round clearly goes to JK.
2. Ladder 49 — $22.8 million
The only explanation we can come up with for Ladder 49's modest success is that America has finally developed a natural resistance to John Travolta. People don't even realize Travolta's in a movie anymore, instead mentally substituting a scene-chewing unknown with a hydroencephalitic head. Still, the subconscious fear that a film is a Travolta vehicle keeps bodies away from the theater; by our projections, Ladder 49 would have grossed $127 million if his name had been strategically deleted from all promotions.
3. The Forgotten — $12 million
The Forgotten is managing a nice little haul, even though nobody we know has seen it. Then again, we really don't know that many people.
4. Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrrow — $3.4 million
Even when we lower our already modest expectations, Sky Captain continues to disappoint us. It's officially our Stephen Baldwin of the Fall season.
5. Mr. 3000 — $2.6 million
Mr. 3000 will always hold a special place in our hearts for keeping Resident Evil 2 out of the top five.