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· Justin Timberlake and Emile Hirsch to star in Nick Cassavetes film Alpha Dog. Getting excited because your favorite pop star is acting again? Not so fast! Box office buzzkiller Sharon Stone is along for the ride. Yeah, Timberlake will probably still sleep with her. [THR]
· Unsurprising news of the Fall season: Joey gets a full season pick-up after three airings. NBC-Uni mogultini Jeff Zucker also threw in three years of piggy-back rides for Matt LeBlanc from his car to the set. [THR]
· Disney gives up on adult movie-goers, vows to stick to the family-friendly schlock they are known for from now on. And if that doesn't work, Michael Eisner is going to grab children by their ankles as they enter Disneyland and shake them until their souvenir money falls out. [Variety, sub. req'd.]
· Paul Resier is probably not dead: Paul Reiser signs a two-year first—look deal with Paramount TV. [THR]
· The Chris Columbus-directed film version of Rent goes from Warner Bros to Revolution Studios. Two straight days with Chris Columbus news? It's like a really shitty Christmas! [Variety, sub. req'd.]