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As if Sunset Blvd. hadn't already suffered enough after hosting a billboard tribute to Jenna Jameson's chop-shop plastic surgeon and Vincent Gallo's towering monument to fellatio, Page Six reports that a Kabbalah Centre billboard promoting The Red String Book is going up today. We'd love to throw our hands up in the air and exhort God to help us all, but we forget which one of His 72 names should be invoked for spontaneous billboard combustion. (Also, there's got to be one that makes Madonna fall into a coma for 40 years, but we digress.) As always, sending us your guerrilla phonecam pictures of the enormous Kabbalah ad will buy you instant passage to the VIP section of Heaven, where the Saved get to throw empty beer bottles at the Centre's cultists as they bob in a pool of their magic water.