Trade Round-Up: Jack Valenti's Revenge

· The House passes the Piracy Deterrence and Education Act, which allows up to 6 years in prison for camcording a movie. Still, former MPAA chief Jack Valenti's probably a bit upset that the House passed on the provision that pirates are castrated and forced to eat their own testicles. [THR]
· Columbia self-consciously tries to cast nearly every quality actor in Hollywood to distract from the fact that they're unimaginatively remaking yet another classic movie, trying to add Meryl Streep to the All the King's Men super-cast. Also assisting the subterfuge are Sean Penn and Jude Law, with Kate Winslet, and Mark Ruffalo to potentially sign on. [THR]
· It's so cute when executive mouths write checks that their studios can't cash: Tom Freston promises less crap from Paramount Pictures. Good one, Tom! Why not just promise us Paramount will find Bin Laden? [Variety, sub. req'd.]
· Lion's Gate picks up the rights to A Love Song for Bobby Long. in which we think Scarlett Johansson's old-guy fetish is satisfied by—grab your stomach pills—John Travolta. God, we hope we're wrong on this one. [THR]
· Melissa Etheridge's "reversed Will and Grace with a kid" sitcom gets a script commitment at ABC. We don't have any idea what that means, but ABC seems to have bought it. Network TV really needs a few more nonthreatening gays who constantly make puns about how gay they are, so why not? [THR]