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Open All Night attended last night's premiere of The Ten Commandments musical, which was summarily panned (albeit from a preview) in this space yesterday by an operative/critic. The good news? It seems that Val Kilmer's legendary on-set prickish behavior translates seamlessly to the stage:

Our source tells us that Kilmer has been “a total a**hole prima donna” during previews, throwing at least three BIG hissy fits. Angered that he couldn’t keep using Teleprompters for more than the first five shows, Kilmer “screamed at the top of his lungs at the producer, using the f word many times,” says our source. The audience can see the Teleprompters, the source says, and added, “We couldn’t understand why he can’t remember his lines”.

We hope reports will surface that he's walking around in character as Moses, telling the cowering crew that God is speaking to him directly and demanding that he act like an A-list dickhead.