Trade Round-Up: The Simple Life Goes International

· Since the term "celebutante skank" has no analog outside of America, Paris Hilton is getting left behind. The Simple Life will be reborn in Belgian and French Canadian versions, featuring new, region-specific non-heiresses getting into wacky situations. [THR]
· Steve Zahn joins Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz in cast of Fox's comic western Bandidas. Finally, a follow-up to Three Amigos! But with hot chicks with impenetrable accents! [THR]
· Greedy Emmy-hoarder Mike Nichols and Julia Roberts are in talks to develop romantic comedy Seven Year Switch, about a woman who gets to see what she might have done different in her life upon reaching the seven-year mark in her relationship. Insert joke about the odds that a Julia Roberts marriage will last seven years. [Variety, sub. req'd.]
· Fox orders a pilot presentation of The Barenaked Ladies Variety Show, a comedy/revue starring the annoying Canadian pop stars. Doesn't Fox know that we're supposed to dump our shit over the northern borders and not take any back? That's what a trade imbalance is all about. [THR]
· With each having an Oscar-baiting movie being released later this year, Annette Bening and Lenonardo DiCaprio will pretend to care that they're being honored at the upcoming Hollywood Film Festival. [THR]