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A reader reports from the USC School of Cinema-Television 75th anniversary gala, where not even Will Ferrell's trademark ass-baring antics could keep Very Important Director Steven Spielberg from hitting the CrackBerry in the middle of the ceremony. Also—and we're shocked—the event was incredibly boring:

Attended the long-winded, 2-hour self-congratulatory celebration for the USC Cinema School Sunday night. Some highlights included host Will Ferrell's reaction to the Debbie Allen produced "rap" of the history of the cinema school and its alumnus, accompanied by 4 dancers clad in USC jerseys. After the extended strangeness concluded, Ferrell remarked, "Yeah. That happened." Other highlights included a candid reaction shot of Steven Spielberg on his BlackBerry and the fast-deteriorating state of Robert Zemeckis' hairline. A definite lowlight was the fact that the producers decided to give Academy President TWO speeches in which the entire audience joins Spielberg in checking their BlackBerrys just to stay awake.

Let's give Spielberg the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he wasn't bored, and merely took some time out of his busy gala-attending schedule to text-message a review of Will Ferrell's bare ass to David Geffen.