The Projectionist: Forgetting The Forgotten

Can we just take a nap until Oscar season? It might be a good weekend to check out a nice movie shot on shaky digital video or with subtitles.
1. The Forgotten — $14 million
Normally, a Julianne Moore/Gary Sinise pairing would sound great, but once the Bratt-equivalent Dominic West and Shyamalan-type gotcha mindfucks are thrown in, buzz is in scarce supply.
2. Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow — $11 million
People have angrily told us we're crazy for loving Sky Captain and its relentless sepia-tinged visuals. We ignore those people, but will concede it could've used a lot more Angelina Jolie. But maybe that's more a function of our extreme eyepatch fetish than anything else.
3. First Daughter — $8 million
Even though we're huge (read: call us!) Katie Holmes fans (read: dump Chris Klein!), somehow we don't think we're going to check this one out. That's probably fine, since we're probably not the demographic they're shooting for. Or, maybe we're exactly the demographic they're shooting for, and they've really fucked up the marketing. In any case, we'll be conducting a Wonder Boys and The Gift double feature this weekend.
4. Mr. 3000 — $5 million
Should do OK, even with Dodgers fans coming into the theater 20 minutes late and leaving before they find out if Bernie Mac ever reaches the kind of satisfying emotional turnaround that we're all pulling for. They've still bought their tickets.
5. Shaun of the Dead — $4 million
It's only on about 600 screens, but those theaters should be packed with zombie-loving fans Or, you know, it could make fifteen bucks. What do we know?