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An attendee of Madonna's Kabballah Kiddiepalooza gala dinner in Tel Aviv writes to The View From Here blog about the experience of being in the presence of Queen Esther and her glassy-eyed, red-stringed subjects:

[T]he highlight of the evening was undoubtedly the charming Hollywood Hills matron sitting next to me. She name dropped about Demi and Ashton and regaled us with stories about how she is now manifesting her own miracles. She very kindly gave me her own pocket Zohar to keep me safe, and advised me to go down to the local Kaballah center. "Just try one class, can you imagine a life without stress?" And of course, the evening ended with a hug. And what about Madonna? She slipped out the kitchen door after her speech.

Note to proselytizing, "charming Hollywood Hills matrons" following the Madonna "Brainwash 2004" tour in Israel: Name-checking Demi and Ashton is probably not going to be the most effective recruitment tactic. If you really want people to drink the Kabbalah Kool-Aid, how about giving away some of those nifty shot glasses with one of God's 72 names on them? Getting drunk while collecting all of God's nicknames sounds like a party!