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LA.comfidential's Laurie Pike commits a blogger no-no and actually ventures outside the house to attend a party for a Sass & Bide fashion event in Hancock Park. Luckily, it seems she returned home relatively unscathed and with a bunch of pictures. While Pike says "Bijou Phillips danced the entire evening like wind-up toy that never wound down," it was Jewel who was self-conscious about seeming like she had a snoutful of booger sugar, telling her, "A lot of times people don't think I'm me. They say, 'You look like Jewel, but prettier. I heard she's coked out.'"

God, we really have to admire how Jewel managed to so economically communicate how she surpasses even her own beauty when fans encounter her in person, while simultaneously making a fairly subtle play to score some drugs. But at a fashion event in Hollywood, this move probably couldn't raise the eyebrow of a cater-waiter in leather chaps enough to get a courtesy bump from his eight-ball.
