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Ramones guitarist Johnny Ramone's taking his two minutes of power chords and going home. Ramone died of prostate cancer yesterday at his home here in L.A. We could talk about how the Ramones were so great that we're not even annoyed when we see a 15-year-old walking out of Urban Outfitters in their iconic t-shirt, but LAVoice's Mack Reed, writing about a planned Johnny memorial statue, says it better than we can:

Let's hope the sculptor has a sense of humor and commissions Revell to spit him out in black plastic car-model resin, glued together with highly toxic Testor's, and molded like the illustration of Johnny on the cover of "Road to Ruin" - a splay-legged caricature of a man with no pretense, no talent, just raw, loud, stupid voltage running through his nerves. Last thing I want to see is some punk-verite likeness in bronze taken from life casts of a look-alike, every strand of his shred-kneed jeans lovingly rendered with anal-retentive-scholarly accuracy.

This dawned on us in our pre-caffeinated haze: There are now as many Justin Timberlakes as there are Ramones.* Fate is a cruel bitch.

*Mack Reed updates us: "Marky's not the last Ramone standing. Notes added on Tommy (original drummer, and probably more important than Marky) and CJ - all still alive, and I know there's at least one other stand-in who passed through the magic band at some point." OK, how about this? There are roughly the same amount of Hansons as there are Ramones. That still seems more than unfair.