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The L.A.Weekly's Nikki Finke scores a long sit-down interview with the congenitally unfunny Jay Leno in the Tonight Show's green room and makes him talk politics. In trying to prove his liberal bonafides (which one would have as hard a time divining from his monologues as laughs) to the um, aggressively lefty Finke, he assures us that Karl Rove isn't leaking him material:

Finke: The White House strategy is to ridicule Kerry every single day of the campaign. And obviously The Tonight Show will be the first to pick up on that. How do you decide if you’re being used to further some political party’s ends?

Leno: Nobody from the White House calls or leaks us stuff. You see a picture that appears in the paper, like Kerry at NASA, and you roll with it. If it’s something funny, like Dukakis in a tank, Bush with a sombrero, Kerry in that colonoscopy suit, you use it.

And what does Leno love more than Democrats or a well-crafted (but mildly personally conflicted) Teresa Heinz Kerry joke? Classic cars and the comforting, old-timey pollution they bring as he rolls over Coldwater Canyon on the way to work.