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Bruce Willis' loud-talking, offspring-neglecting cellphone antics of last week seem to have continued unabated up La Brea Boulevard, even after his high-decibel conversation ruptured the eardrums of our eavesdropping spy. Another reader follows up on the original story, leaving us to wonder if there's a mobile phone salesman in Beverly Hills promising celebrities that their phones emit a special jamming ray, making their inane conversations inaudible to anyone who's never been invited to the Vanity Fair Oscar party.

Apparently [Willis'] loud rampage wasn't just for the benefit of those at La Brea Bakery last week. In a nearby store I got into a conversation about how rude it was to be on a cell phone in a store, mostly because I was apologizing for being on mine. Unidentified man tells me it's okay, it's usually celebrities who are the most annoying. He then tells me he wouldn't believe how LOUD some celebs can be, leaving everyone with the full knowledge of (and this is almost an exact quote) what they're eating or being prescribed later. I mention the Defamer item, and his whole face lights up as he says, "Bruce Willis! That's EXACTLY who I was talking about!" I didn't ask what he was being prescribed, but noted that Willis' reign of terror and determination to spread screaming cell phone habits is working its way north up La Brea.